Tech Emphasis

This is my blog where Iam going to talk about things in the tech world.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Baidu has been booming in china, it has more than a 60% market share and is beating Google china in terms of usage. Baidu has a market cap. of more than $6 Billion and revenues of more than $100 Million, which is astonishing because just 2 years ago they had revenues of bearly $13 Million. Google and Yahoo! have less than 40% of the market in china and are losing market share everyday to baidu. Baidu suprisingly hasnt made any aquisitions or investments considering they have a billions of dollars worth of stock. Baidu announced plans to expand into other countries. I would expect Baidu to continue to grow at a remarkable speed.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

eBay acquires StumbleUpon.

eBay NASDAQ:EBAY) has just acquired social bookmarking site stumbleupon for $75 Million. I dont understand this because Yahoo! acquired for only $30 Million, and has a far bigger market share in social bookmarking than stumbleupon. I think the main reason of the acquisition was for eBay to branch out into more services.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

iPhones on eBay!

Since the highly awaited release of the iPhone some people bought them just to sell them on eBay for a huge profit, I'vv seen some go for as high as $1000 and they cost anywhere from $500-$600. This is why I said Iam waiting at least 6 months for all the hype to ware down a little.

Friday, June 29, 2007

iPhone finally here!!!!!!

People would literally murder for this thing, I'vv seen people line up a mile away to get it, its insane. I told myself that I was going to wait 6 months, that way all of the chaos will be over. If you get one and it doesnt work like you thought it did you should have waited to 6 months to get all the kinks worked out. Some people were paying people to wait in line for them. This happens everytime a hot product comes out.

New Start Up!

I just found out about this one its called and Its a web application that lets you send files,links and events. Its not currently open for registration, but you can request an invitation at so go check it out.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Microsoft vs. Apple

The rivalry between Microsoft and Apple is going to heat up even more with the release of the iPhone on saturday. If you take a look at Apple's stock it is above the $100 mark and Apple is growing a lot faster than Microsoft. It looks as if Apple will surpass Microsoft if they continue to grow at this pace. Apple already surpassed Dell after Michael Dell and Steve Jobs had there war of words. The Apple TV was also a pretty neat product, but if failed to beat TiVo (keep trying Apple) I almost guarantee that the iPhone will sale like hot cakes, because there has been so much media coverage on the iPhone. On Microsoft's side I think there failing to release innovative products, for example the zune they released the zune in november of 2006 and to date it has sold a little over a million units. The iPod has 74% of the digital music market. If Microsoft released a successful product like the xbox for example they can better compete with apple in the consumer electronics market. Both companies are very innovative in there own way, and I think there is plenty of enough room in the market for innovation.

Gonna have to wait on the iPhone!

I mentioned earlier on my blog that I will be getting the iPhone on release day, but I'vv made the harsh decision to wait 6 months because I'vv been hearing some not so good reviews, one being the iPhone's difficulty because of the touch screen and the difficulty of making phone calls. I advise all of you to wait and maybe test one out in an apple store and see if you like it. Its a tough decision to make, but hold in there and dont let the extremly appealing commercials get to you.